Friday, July 27, 2007

No more world record :(

Chang Chang:

Every morning and night, Daddy has been pouring some engine lubricant into my ears and now, my hardworking wax machine does not work very well anymore. How? What can I do? What if another cat take over "The waxiest ears in the world" title from me? How? How?

I am very sad...........

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Yay! World record!

Chang Chang:

The V.E.T said I have the waxiest ears in the world! Yay! The waxiest ears in the world! Can you believe it? I may be entered in the Guiness World of Records for having the waxiest ears in the world. So waxy the V.E.T cannot even see my eardrums since my ear wax covered everything up. And that was after my ears were cleaned just 1 day ago. Man, I have a hardworking waxing machine in my ear!

The waxiest ears in the world! Can you believe it? I'm so excited I don't think I can sleep tonight.

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